Santa Monica, CA - The Sierra Club, one of the nation's oldest and most respected environmental organizations, is announcing our endorsements for the upcoming election on November 4th for the Santa Monica City Council.
After an extensive review of each of the candidates running in the election, the Sierra Club is proud to endorse Ted Winterer, Susan Hartley and Ken Genser. Ted Winterer and Susan Hartley are both community activists who are running for the first time and we believe that they will do an excellent job on the important environmental issues that will come before the City Council. Ken Genser is an incumbent who has shown by his record that he has a sensitivity for environmental concerns that make him worthy of re-election.
Some of the important issues that are likely to come before the City Council in the near future that these candidates could have an enormous impact on are: addressing Santa Monica's traffic problems, reigning in overdevelopment, working to solve the excessive air and noise pollution generated by the Santa Monica Airport and the impact that it has on the adjacent residential neighborhood, providing more open space and parks and working to determine the best way possible for Santa Monica to care for its urban forest.
The Sierra Club does not make endorsements in political elections lightly and we hope that you will consider the fact that we have endorsed Ted Winterer, Susan Hartley and Ken Genser when you make your decision on Election Day.
Sierra Club Endorsement [2008]
The Sierra Club Endorses Susan Hartley for Santa Monica City Council. Here's their release: